The Double Shadow: A Clark Ashton Smith Podcast

Tsathoggua Drawing Results

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Tsathoggua drawing! Excluding people who said they weren’t interested in the book and duplicate submissions (i.e. if you submitted 2, you got 1), we did a random drawing from among the submissions and many congrats to forum member Boneworm for his win.

I’ve put together a gallery of all the others below. I think this marks a significant contribution to the number of drawings of Tsathoggua online.

  1. Andrew says:

    Love these… I wish I had been more punctual in my listening, I would have sent one in too.

  2. Genus Unknown says:

    There’s a fair bit of variety in the way people picture Tsathoggua. I like that.

    Bravo to all participants!

  3. Odilius Vlak says:

    Tsathoggua lives!!!… Great images… somehow they resembles the drawings of Clark Ashton Smith himself.

  4. Boneworm says:

    I love Dude-Tsathoggua and Adorable Sloth-Mouse Tsuthaggua. Thank you so much again!